The Wire is one of the greatest T.V. shows on television according to Entertainment.The show was created by David Simon back in 2002. During this time the show was recognized by few and was not appreciated for the realistic content that was portrayed. David Simon planned on modeling the t.v. show after realistic cop work seen on the streets, gang affiliation, violence, and the war on drugs. The way in which the show went about this drama was in a very clever fashion. The Wire took place in Baltimore’s inner cities and viewers were able to observe what cop life and drug dealers apart of a gang experience within their everyday lives. A quality that The Wire contains is the fact that some of the actors within the show are right off the streets of Baltimore in order to give off a more realistic feel. Another unique trait within The Wire is that the audience’s emotions become consumed within particular characters. Most of the time in television shows, most people tend to root for the moral correct characters and the protagonists within shows. This television show introduces some characters that are highly questionable when it comes to morality, yet the audience still is attracted to them. Personally, I was caught off guard when I noticed that I was rooting for the morally questionable characters within The Wire. These characters include Stringer Bell, Jimmy McNulty, and Omar Little. These characters would make wrong decisions one after the other, but there was something about these characters that the audience tended to love. Even though these characters take part in immoral actions, as an audience we still find ourselves rooting for them. To further understand these characters I have gone observed a series of interviews with the creator, David Simon, and the three characters that I have chosen to analyze and depict why it is that the audience is so drawn towards them.
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