Wednesday, April 30, 2014

More on David Simon

Bill Moyers continues his interview with David Simon. David Simon continues to stress what The Wire is all about and why it was created. David Simon hits on the main problems within The Wire and life in general. These problems consist of, "Money and advancement." Every character that is seen as immoral within The Wire strive to receive money and advancement in some way or other. The reason behind criminal acts is advancement. In order to advance in life some characters would have to commit crimes to do so because they were not born into the right environment to do so. Characters that are well known throughout the media are Stringer, McNulty, and Little. All of these characters were created with motives. Some of these motives are seen to be immoral, but that was the beauty behind David Simon's thinking of characters and how they develop throughout the show. David Simon strives to communicate the criminals point of view because society tends to overlook this kind of situation.

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